SET Unit

SET Unit

The SET department is responsible for the implementation of the Introductory Study Days (SET). There, the first-year students are offered various events, ranging from a welcome event, campus tour, pub crawl, IT introduction to a joint breakfast and barbecue. In the winter semester, the SET takes place over three days, usually from Thursday to Saturday, before lectures begin. For first-year Master’s students in the summer semester, a one-day SET is usually held on the Thursday before the start of lectures.

The SET-unit is led by several lecturers, who take care of the preparation and organization of the SET. They are supported by several staff members. During the SET, this team is supported by tutors. They show the first-year students around the campus, pack the bags for the first-year students, help with the barbecue, etc.

After the SET is before the SET, because already at the beginning of the semester the preparation for the next SET starts. This involves reserving lecture halls, inviting speakers for the information events, asking companies for giveaways for the first-year bags, recruiting tutors and much more…

SET 2024/25

The Study Introduction Days for winter semester 2024/25 will take place from Thursday, October 10 to Sunday, October 13. Further information, can be found here.


We are looking for tutors to help conduct and carry out the Winter-SET 2024. As a Tutor, you will for example guide Students around the Campus, supervise a station at the Campus-Rallye or help out at the grill. Further information can be found here here.

Registration for tutors is open now!

Information for new members

The preparations for the winter SET are beginning. Once again we are eagerly looking for new members. As a part of the SET-Team, you will help plan and organize the different events of the SET, and help conduct the tutors at the SET.

Our first meetings will be held on May 28 at 5:30 p.m. in room 00.12.019 (MI-Building). Our second meeting will be on June 4 at 5:30 p.m.. If you’re interested, feel free to come along! Newcomers are welcome!


The SET department has different e-mail addresses for different tasks. Under the respective e-mail address you can always reach the responsible officer or staff member.

Contact address for all general questions
Contact address for SET tutors
Contact address for companies with questions about the Ersti-Bags
Contact address for first-year students with questions about the SET trip

Central Task Masters

Marina Ruoff
Ole Fleischhauer
Veronika Hobmeier
Sahar Shokri