General Student Council Assembly and Unit Day
Posted on November 4, 2016 by Julian Biendarra ‐ 2 min read

Missed it? The slides can be found here.
Are you interested in news about your faculty, your department student council or the campus Garching? Are you interested in what we, the student council do for you? Do you want to participate?
Then come to the following two events taking place on wednesday, 2nd of November:
The General Student Council Assembly starting at 10 a.m. - 12 a.m. (Lehrveranstaltungen fallen währenddessen aus). You will be informed about news specific to study course, your faculty and your student council. We will tell you about projects and plans concerning the campus Garching and events you should look forward to!
Main topics:
- Semesterticket (IsarCard Semester)
- Galileo, House for Students, new Mensa, …
- Changes in study courses
Where does it take place?
- Mathematics: MI HS 2
- Physics: PH HS 1
- Informatics: MI HS 1
- in English: MI 00.08.038
The Unit day (Referatstag) will take place following the assembly until 5 p.m. . Our student council units will present themselves and what they do. You can experience our print office or learn about the creation of lecture questionnaires. At the different unit booths you can talk to the appointees of the units. They will tell you about what they do and how you could participate, your help is always needed! We also serve coffee and cake!
Where does it take place?
- In the rooms of our student council (ground floor in finger 6 of the MI building)