Unity on 28. April 2016
Posted on April 8, 2016 by Julian Biendarra ‐ 1 min read

Be there when the departments of mathematics, physics, computer science and chemistry pull out all the stops for the sixth time and throw you the biggest party of the summer at the Garching campus!
All night long, selected DJs will heat you up on four different floors with the best of dance, electro, reggae and new metal! On the shisha terrace, you can treat yourself to a cosy break.
With the finest cocktails, long drinks, mead, hotdogs, fries and delicious pizza is also provided for the physical well-being.
Happy Hour: Until 22:00 Augustiner for €1.50, brings the beer counter to glow!
Tickets are now available in advance at the MPI, Chemie, Maschinenbau and at the AStA for €5. Tickets at the box office cost €6.
The Unity on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/925104004255137/
No party without helpers: Furthermore, We are looking for helpers to support us during a shift or during the whole party. In return, of course, you get free admission, a T-shirt, and drink vouchers. Info and registration at https://helfen.fs.tum.de/unity16.