Full Assembly of the Departmental Student Body on Nov, 8th

Posted on November 1, 2017 by Angela Gleißl ‐ 1 min read

Full Assembly of the Departmental Student Body on Nov, 8th

On Nov, 8th the Full Assembly of the Departmental Student Body takes place!

We inform about the work of the Departmental Student Council in the past semester and about upcoming changes in the studies and on the campus, as well as on upcoming events.

The Full Assembly takes place in

  • Mathematics: MI HS 2
  • Physics: Rudolf-Mößbauer-HS, PH
  • Informatics: MI HS 1
  • in english: MI 00.08.038

Afterwards you can meet the Units of the Departmental Student Council in the Magistrale of the MI-Building.

We’d like to meet you there!

During the Full Assembly no lectures or tutorials take place.