'Out now: impulsiv 137'
Posted on January 24, 2020 by Christoph Wen ‐ 1 min read

The impulsiv issue 137 is now available in the MI Magistrale.
This issue’s topic is “Movies”. You will learn more about movie festivals around Munich, movie soundtracks, the technology that is used and get an impression of what happens behind the scenes of the tufilm. Probably you will want to have a movie night after reading, so we also provide you with some movie recommendations from the student council.
As the new Mensa is finally opened, we took a look behind the scenes there in cooperation with the Reisswolf, the mechanical engineering student council’s magazine. Additionally, we had the possibility to interview the head of the university catering, Gregor Fricke, and the Studentenwerk’s architect, Gabriele Niethammer, and provide you with interesting first-hand information about the new Mensa.
Good luck for the upcoming exams, your impulsiv editorial team.
Issue 137 is available online on impulsiv.fs.tum.de, near the student council’s rooms at building part 6, and on the tables of the MI Magistrale. You want to write a letter to the editor or have feedback, comments or ideas for future issues? Don’t hesitate to write an e-mail to !