Astro Night
Posted on July 3, 2021 by Philipp Rößner ‐ 1 min read

On June 24, 2021, the Astronight took place for the second time starting at 19:00. Unfortunately, this event had to be held digitally, but we did our best to offer you an exciting program anyway. So you could experience the event comfortably from your private sofa via YouTube Livestream. Unfortunately, however, there were problems with the sound.
Nevertheless, we were able to welcome four speakers, whom we would like to thank for their presentation:
- Prof. Suyu: “Gravitational lensing as a cosmological and astrophysical probe” (
- MOVE WARR: “Von studenteneigenen Raketen und Satelliten” (
- Michael Frühauf: “‘Starlike’ objects: Asteroids” (
- Volkssternwarte München: “Die Bedeutung der Amateurastronomie” (
A quiz on astronomy was also offered. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, this quiz did not turn out to be very practical, so the other two quizzes were omitted.
We would like to thank all participants and are already looking forward to future lecture evenings.