Mord auf der Weihnachtsfeier
Posted on November 29, 2021 by Maria Gabriela Cudmani ‐ 1 min read

This Christmas, everything is different!
Today is the premiere!!!
There is also a trailer! Have fun with it :)
Like every year, the staff of the Department of Physics wants to prepare for the Christmas party. But before the festivities can even begin, they find their professor dead. Together, they start the investigation…
After last year’s Christmas lecture could not take place due to the special situation, we proudly present this year’s Physics Christmas lecture in a somewhat unusual format. Namely, a film!
Be excited about an exciting story with many nice experiments.
Our online premiere will take place on 12/20/2021 at 7:30pm. You can watch our film live with us on the Fachschaft MPI Youtube Channel. The exact link will be coming soon.
For you guys, it’s: Get out the gingerbread, have the mulled wine ready and enjoy this unique Christmas lecture from your home!
We look forward to seeing you in large attendance!
The Christmas Lecture Team