Hochschulwahl 2022

Posted on July 4, 2022 by Alexander Pach ‐ 4 min read

Hochschulwahl 2022

This year’s university election will take place on July 5 and you as students are, as every year, invited to cast your vote as well! This election allows you to determine your legal representatives in committees at Schoolevel and TUM-wide level for the next two semesters. Here we have compiled an overview of how and whom you can vote for and why you should vote at all.

Why should you vote?

Your student representatives are always working to improve teaching and campus life. The importance of this was demonstrated not least during the Corona semesters. The Corona pandemic forced the development of new online teaching and examination formats. Here, the student representatives have used their position in various committees to promote suitable solutions that comply with data protection requirements. But also the StudiTUM houses, for example, could only be realized through the commitment of representatives. Who these people are, who represent the opinion of all of us, you can decide by your vote at the university election.

What can you vote for?

In the election you will receive three ballots: one for the Senate, one for the Schoolcouncil, and one for the Dean. Senate? Schoolcouncil? What is that?


The Senate is the highest body at TUM. For example, all new or amended subject examination regulations (FPSOs) must be approved by the Senate, and the Senate refers

Faculty Council (FKR)

The School Council is the highest body at your School. The SC deals with similar topics as the Senate, but of course only with topics that are relevant to your school. Therefore, the topics can be dealt with in more detail here. Four student representatives can be elected to the School Council of the School of Computation, Information and Technology (CIT), two to the School of Natural Sciences (NAT). Together with other candidates on the election lists who have received enough votes, they form your elected student council.

How can you vote?

Basically, you can vote by absentee ballot or in person. The absentee ballot can be applied for digitally until June 21, if you pick up the documents at the election office yourself, this is still possible until June 28 on TUMonline. Both deadlines have expired meanwhile. You can find this application in TUMonline under the tab Documents. At the same place, you will also find your election notification, which contains the information about the absentee ballot. If you use the absentee ballot, please remember to return your election letter in time, in Germany until about July 2. If you forget to do so, you can still hand it in at the polling station by 5:00 p.m. on election day (July 7). Otherwise, you can vote at the polling station: If you are in the faculties of Mathematics or Computer Science, your polling station is in the MI building (between Finger 6 and Lecture Hall 3). The faculties of Physics and Chemistry vote in their faculty buildings.

Who can you vote for?

There are two lists for the senate election, the “List of your student bodies (LitFaS)”, and the “Gans excellent list”. This is a list election. You can find a presentation of both on the websites of the respective lists, they are linked as far as known. For the election of the School Council of the SoCIT there are two lists, the list “EINMALIG - Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Informatik, Mathematik Listen Gemeinschaft”, and the “Gans exzellente Liste”. This is a list election. You can find an introduction of both on the web presences of the respective lists, they are linked as far as known. For the election of the School Council of the SoNAT there is one list, this is a personal election. This is the “EuLi-NAT”. As deans stand in the CIT Prof. Bungartz (from computer science) and Prof. Utschick (from electrical engineering), in NAT Prof. Barth (from physics) and Prof. Brück (from chemistry).