Survey regarding the working conditions of student assistants for the TVStud negotiations
Posted on June 9, 2022 by Andreas Chris Wilhelmer ‐ 2 min read

Students working at the university in addition to their studies currently do not have a collective agreement, which means temporary employment and minimum wage at many German universities. After a campaign was launched by the unions ver.di and GEW at the beginning of 2021, talks on a collective agreement for student assistants such as HiWis, tutors and other student employees were promised towards the end of 2021 by the collective bargaining round of the federal states. Since then, several rounds of negotiations have taken place and efforts around TVStud are becoming more concrete. More information about the initiative and the TVStud in general can be found at
In the last round of negotiations the federal states, the employers’ association of the federal states (TdL) and the participating unions have now agreed in their collective bargaining agreement to evaluate the working conditions of student assistants. In preparation for these talks, the unions ver.di and GEW are conducting a nationwide survey of student assistants in cooperation with the Institute for Work and Economics (iaw) at the University of Bremen.
Since it is generally in the interest of us all that the working conditions of our university’s student assistants are to improve, it is desirable to have the highest possible participation in this survey. So far, the survey has only been communicated to student assistants within TUM to a limited extent. In order to include the perspective of student assistants at TUM in the negotiations, we would like to ask you to take the time to fill out the survey linked below if you work at the university besides your studies yourself, and to pass on the following link to friends and acquaintances if they are in a similar position:
This is your chance to be heard if you are interested in improving your working conditions as a student employee. So take the few minutes and let’s help TVStud negotiations succeed together.