Tarifverträge for student employees
Posted on November 19, 2023 by Studentische Vertretung ‐ 3 min read

This press release was published by the Student Representation.
We, the student representatives of the Technical University of Munich, support the demands of the TVStud initiative.
For this purpose, we will meet on 20. November 2023 in Munich at 11 a.m. at the Ministry of Finance Ludwigstraße, from there the demonstration will go via Briennerstraße and Karolinenplatz to the Mensa in Arcisstraße 21.
After the second negotiation date of the nationwide negotiations on 2/3 November for a new for a new collective agreement for the federal states failed without result, the trade unions are calling on the employees of Munich’s universities to go on strike together on 20 November. The strike day coincides with the university action day organised by a broad alliance, which is campaigning for greater financial security for students and better funding for universities. Students and employees are combining their activities as part of the day of action.
Statements such as
“BAföG and parents should finance your studies, not your work at a university. Besides, it is also an honour to be able to work at a university” by Hartmut Vorjohann 1 (CDU)
misjudge the reality of students. 2/3 have to work alongside their studies in order to earn a living. Of these, 18% work as student assistants at a university, another 21 % in another institution - the state is therefore the largest employer for students. students. Just 11 % of students receive BAföG, very few of whom receive the maximum rate. The salary from student employment is the most important source of income. Those who do not receive financial support from their parents often have to often have to work several jobs. What we need is more financial security and regularly rising wages. This is what collective agreements (“Tarifverträge”) are for. 2
The demands of TVStud are:
- Standardised collective agreements for student employees
- Annual wage increases and link to the wage increases of the collective agreement of the federal states (TV-L)
- Predictability through minimum contract terms
- Compliance with minimum standards as well as transparent and clearly communicated, standardised regulations on holiday entitlement and sick pay
- Ensuring student co-determination through democratic participation in staff councils
Further information can be found on the website of the alliance hochschulaktionstag.de and on the TVStud website tvstud.de.
First Deputy Chairman of the Tarifgemeinschaft deutscher Länder, State Minister of Finance of Saxony ↩︎
Figures from Hopp, Marvin/ Hoffmann, Ann-Kathrin/ Zielke, Aaron/ Leslie, Lukas/ Seeliger, Martin (2023): Jung, akademisch, prekär. Studentische Beschäftigte an Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen: eine Ausnahme vom dualen System regulierter Arbeitsbeziehungen. 2nd revised version. Bremen: iaw. available at iaw.uni-bremen.de/f/b1d9874527.pdf, page 19f. ↩︎