
This IT Guide gives you a detailed overview of the IT services and infrastructure you will use during your studies. This includes your accounts and email addresses, access to WiFi and the Internet, and how to use the campus infrastructure, such as the computer lab.
You already know TUMonline from your successful application. You can use this platform to administrate your studies, e.g. register for courses and exams, print enrolment certificates and search for persons.
We introduce you to the most important features of TUMonline in the following video: Introduction to TUMonline | Fachschaft MPIC
TUM also offers official and much more detailed Tutorials on TUMonline on Youtube.
The functionality of TUMonline is divided into different services. Particularly important services can be pinned by clicking on the star in the top left corner of the tile at the top of the page. Here is our personal selection of the most important services:
- Under Study Status/Curriculum you will find an overview of all the modules you have to take as part of your studies. You can also use this list to register for the corresponding lectures/tutorials (red rectangle) and examinations (green circle). As soon as graded exams are available, they will also be displayed in the list for the respective course, together with your current overall grade in the first line.
- Click on Courses to search for a course and register for it. This is necessary for language courses, for example, as these do not appear in the normal study plan. Make sure that you have selected the correct semester for your search. You can also view all the courses you have registered for by clicking on My Courses in the header.
- The Exams application provides the same functionality as the Courses application, but for registering and managing your exams.
- Under My Achievements you can view the results of all your exams once your first exam has been successfully marked. By clicking on the exam, you can also view the exam statistics in the left bar.
- The Calendar shows you the dates of all the courses for which you have a fixed place. Clicking on Publish will give you a Link which you can also Subscribe to as an online calendar in the calendar application of your choice. Tip: A calendar proxy replaces all unnecessary data and duplicate courses, which improves readability.
- Under Documents you can print the Certificate of Enrolment and other documents.
- The Transcript of Records is located in the application Transcript and is called Grade Report*(Leistungsnachweis)* at TUM.
- In the application Semester Fees you will find all information about the transfer of the Semester Fee. This must be paid every semester by 15.02. or 15.08..
Registration for courses
You can register for courses as described above either via the Study Plan or via Courses. After you have specified your course request, the Status will change to Check requirements. For courses without a participant limit, the status should change to Assigned confirmed place after a few minutes and 3 emails later. This means that you are firmly enrolled on the course.
For courses with limited enrolment, e.g. tutorials, the status will remain Check requirements until the place has been allocated at the specified time. As this is not a first-come, first-served system, but a preference system, you should select as many courses as possible and set your preferences using Change preferences. This will increase your chances of getting a fixed seat for exactly one of the events. Even if the allocation of places has been completed and you have not received a fixed place, the status Check requirements will remain.
Many courses use the platform Moodle for communication and for providing materials such as lecture slides, exercise sheets and homework, unless a departmental infrastructure is used. After registering for a course in TUMonline you are automatically enrolled in the corresponding Moodle course.
Moodle also offers forums where lecturers publish announcements. Discussion forums allow you to discuss topics with other students. For each forum, you can choose whether you want to be notified by email. In announcement forums, an email is usually sent when new posts are made, but this is not usually the case in discussion forums.
For the sake of completeness, some courses also use Zulip or Artemis as discussion forums.
Lecture recordings
Lectures can be streamed and recorded via TUMLive. To access the livestreams / recordings you will usually need to login to TUMLive in the top right-hand corner. If and how a lecture is recorded is usually discussed in Moodle and/or in the first lecture.
Recorded videos can be made available via PanOpto; these are integrated directly into the course in Moodle.
The service Lecturio is used to provide recordings of lectures/exercises in economics. You need to register with the TUM e-mail.
At the latest after the exam phase you will get in contact with TUMExam. This platform can be used to review exams digitally. It is also possible to make exams or homework/short tests available digitally via the platform.
Each student receives a personal link to access the exam digitally. Most courses use the application My Achievements in TUMonline for this purpose. If a course uses TUMExam, the functionality will usually be explained again in detail.
As with any examination, it is possible to appeal against a correction. An appeal should be properly and comprehensibly justified.
Artemis is a learning platform developed at the TUM, which can be used for various exercises/homework and even exams. A special feature is the integrated version control system (VCS) and automated tests for programming exercises. If Artemis is used in a course, its functionalities are explained in detail.
During your studies, you will receive one (Physics/Chemistry) or two ( Mathematics/Informatics) accounts, which will allow you to use various digital services.
LRZ Account
The LRZ identifier (Leibniz-Rechenzentrum) allows access to university-wide services. It is constructed according to the scheme KVZZKVK, where K is a consonant, V is a vowel and Z is a number (e.g. ga05mat).
This identifier is used to log in to TUMonline, Moodle and other services that use the TUM Shibboleth. It is managed by TUMonline. The LRZ identifier ending with “” is also called mytum credentials or mytum login.
An overview of all services with the LRZ identifier can be found on the website of the LRZ.
RGB Account
The RBG identifier allows informatics or mathematics students to access the internal faculty services of the computer operations group (Rechnerbetriebsgruppe) in the mathematics and informatics (MI) building. The identifier is made up of your surname and first name.
It is used for logging into the computers in the computer labs and for printing. At the beginning of the semester you will receive your user ID and further information on how to activate it to your email address registered in TUMonline. The password will be generated at the same time and sent to the email address registered in TUMonline. The administration is done via ucentral.
A first point of contact in case of problems and detailed information is provided by the Wiki of the RBG, additionally a helpdesk is located in the small computer lab.
In the Technical section we look at the main infrastructure services available to you.
Absolutely essential for survival, there are 3 different WiFi networks available throughout the campus.
- The eduroam is the primary WiFi, which is also available in other university locations and abroad. You can find instructions for setting up eduroam for the different operating systems in the LRZ. Don’t forget to install the configuration profiles. Only for Android you don’t need any configuration profiles and can set up eduroam easily, the TUMCampus app can even set it up automatically.
- In order to use the WiFi network lrz you have to establish a VPN connection to the Munich Academic Network (Münchner Wissenschaftsnetz / MWN) using eduVPN, details can be found under VPN.
- The WiFi network BayernWLAN is publicly accessible and should therefore not be used primarily. Tip: Wherever there is bayernWLAN, even off-campus, there is also the secure eduroam.
We have documented all information about printing in the service area.
Computer lab
For students of informatics and Mathematics, computer workstations with Linux and Windows environments are available in the computer rooms of the MI building. These workstations are equipped with a so-called Black Box and the corresponding Black Box Software. The RBG identifier is required to use the computers.
The large computer room and the connected small computer room are located on the ground floor between the fingers 5 and 7, other computer rooms are distributed in the MI building.
There is also the possibility of remote access via SSH. File management can be done via WinSCP, and you can also create your own homepage.
By default, you have an email address that belongs to your LRZ identifier, in our example . You will receive notifications from TUMonline and Moodle or information from lecturers via email, so you should check your mailbox regularly.
You can manage your email address via TUMonline in the application Email addresses. There you can choose whether e-mails should be forwarded to your own mailbox and/or to another e-mail address. In addition, you have the possibility to create an e-mail in the more comprehensible form .
Since the majority of communication at TUM takes place via e-mail, you should check your e-mails regularly, forward them or set up a separate mailbox on your PC/mobile phone.
If you have your own mailbox, you can access it via Outlook on the Web. Alternatively, you can use your email client on your PC and/or mobile phone to retrieve your emails. The LRZ provides detailed documentation on how to set up the various e-mail clients.
RGB E-mail
Students of Informatics or Mathematics have an additional mailbox in the form of or with the RGB-identifier. The administration of RGB email is done via, for Informatics or Mathematics a web mailer is available.
Information on Setting up RGB email, the most common email clients and a FAQ can be found on the RBG Wiki. It is recommended to set up a forwarding for this mailbox via to the LRZ email address or
Zulip is a DSGVO-compliant communication platform used by some courses for announcements, discussions about lectures/assignments, questions, and coordination of tutor groups. There are also public streams where you can participate in discussions.
To log in, simply use the LRZ identifier, Zulip is available on the web or as an app for various operating systems.
The TUM provides a matrix server for discussion, which can be used with the LRZ identifier. More details in the Wiki of the RBG.
Student Council / Student Representation
For the latest information from the Student Council, here are our social media channels. The Student Council also has several social media channels.
You will find the library number on the back of your Student Card, which is also your library card. To borrow books, you have to activate your StudentCard in TUMonline in the Library application.
After choosing a collection point you can search for books via the Library website or the OPAC. Literature that is not available locally can often be delivered free of charge from another sub-library within a few working days. Clicking on “Order” will order the book without further enquiry! So make sure you order the right copy. You will then be notified when the book is delivered, and you can borrow it.
Other services are Interlibrary Loan for books that are not in stock and the book scanning service DocumenTUM.
You can find more information about using the library in our printed Erstiguide. This guide is currently only available in German.
The University Library has online access licences from many publishers which you can use through the eAccess service. To borrow e-books online, you need to authenticate in advance with eAccess, only then can the e-book be opened in the OPAC. Further information on eAccess can be found on the University Library pages.
The online subject library of Springer-Verlag can be accessed via the SpringerLink and registration via the LRZ-identifier.
In addition, many publishers make their e-books available to students free of charge. To do this, you need to authenticate yourself on the publisher’s site with LRZ-identifier, which is usually possible via a Login / Institutional Login item.
Software offers
Using TUMonline
For some products (e.g. ChemDraw, MathLab), the TUMonline application Software allows you to create your own e-mail address to register with the software provider.
A free Microsoft 365 account can be activated via the TUMonline application Microsoft 365 Account. This will give you free access to OneDrive storage and Office applications. Further information can be found in the BayernCollab Wiki. Note: Activating the Microsoft 365 account may cause problems with the email inbox in Outlook for Windows. A solution can be found in the LRZ Wiki.
Using LRZ account
Via BayernCollab various software products are available at reduced prices or free of charge, e.g. MindManager, SolidWorks, Citavi and others. Please log in with your LRZ identifier to see the list.
If a manufacturer/supplier has discounts or free offers for students, in most cases it is necessary to register/enter the LRZ email. For example, a free Ultimate version of the IntelliJ IDEs, Autodesk products or a reduced rate for the MVG-Rentalbike.
Using RBG account
RBG offers cloud storage called Nextcloud.
Additional offers
Link collection (
Before you try to remember all the links you will visit often, have a look at and remember just this one. There you will find a collection of links to most services like TUMonline, Moodle, the Roomfinder, but also to courses for example. Each of these has its own shortcut, which is much easier to remember.
The TUM Campus App is the mobile companion for all students and staff of TUM. It is available for iOS, Android and as UWP.
The TUMCampus app provides quick and easy access to current information and helps you organise your daily university life. For example, you can access news from the TUM, a calendar of lecture dates, exam grades, the status of tuition fees, the occupancy of study rooms, as well as mensa meal plans and subway departure times.
You have a lecture coming up in a room, but you don’t know where it is? The room finder NavigaTUM, developed by students, can help. Here you can search for rooms by campus and TUM area or view the location of the room in the building, the address and much more. NavigaTUM is currently under active development, if you want to get involved, [here is the GitHub link].
The mensa is an important part of the study program. Therefore, it is important to know how full the mensa is and what meal options are available. This is where helps you with the built-in snake meter and the daily updated Mensa dining plans. This way you can decide if it’s a good idea to go to the Mensa or if it’s better to go to one of the StuCaffe’s instead of standing in line.