

As a SET tutor, you will support the SET advisors and staff members during the Introductory Study Days (SET). The main task of SET tutors is to make it easier for first-year students to start their studies. Therefore, it is necessary that each tutor is well informed about his or her study program and knows as much as possible about it, for example, how the study program is structured, which application subjects there are, who the important contact persons are, and so on. In addition, the ability to work in a team and to communicate is an important prerequisite.

All Bachelor and Master students who have studied at least one semester at TUM in one of the courses for which we organize the SET can register. These are all study programs of the faculties of mathematics, physics, computer science and chemistry. As the newcomers in the summer semester consist mainly of Master students, Tutor registrations from students of a Master’s degree will be prioritized.

The SET for the summer semester 2025 will take place from Thursday, April 22 to Sunday, April 27.


You can register here. The registration will open on the 10th of March 2025.

Places will be allocated by course of study and in order of registration. It is not possible to say how many tutors are needed and which applicants we have accepted until we know approximately how many first-year students the faculty expects. We will then inform you by e-mail whether you have been accepted as a SET tutor. Please also note the information below when registering.


Tutor Introduction

There will be a tutor introduction with mandatory attendance, where you will get all necessary information. Here you can view the slides from last summer semester 23:

About the ECTS:

Mathematicians, computer scientists, business computer scientists and games engineering students (for the summer SET only masters) usually get two ECTS credits for their work as a SET tutor, physicists get one ECTS credit (without guarantee, of course, only your respective subject examination regulations are relevant). In addition, physicists have to participate in a one-day workshop to get the ECTS points. For this purpose, after the SET, we report all those who have given their matriculation number and date of birth collectively to the respective study secretariat. Please also note the FAQ below. Further information can be found on the pages of the faculties and in the module handbook.

About the possible tasks as a SET tutor:in:

Your responsibilities will include giving a campus tour (for small groups of freshmen), answering questions from freshmen, leading stations at a city rally, helping out at a Beerpong tournament, and any other tasks we can think of to offer the freshmen a great start to their studies ;)

About the t-shirts:

We are planning as usual to order t-shirts for the SET. The t-shirts are for the freshmen to recognize you as tutors during SET. There will also be a “Girls Cut” again. If you would like to have one, please check the appropriate box in your registration.


Can I also be a SET tutor if I don’t want credits?

Yes! Just leave out the matriculation number and date of birth when registering.

Can physicists receive ECTS for SET?

Yes, but there is only 1 ECTS. In order to get the ECTS, you have to participate in the workshop at the beginning of the winter semester and be a SET tutor. To participate in the workshop, you need to register in advance in the tutortool.

How many times can you get the credits?

Only once in the whole study, so either in the Bachelor or in the Master.

I got a cancellation in the last SET. Do I have to register again?

Yes. We delete all records after the SET. So we don’t know anything from the last application phase. So if you want to try again to become a SET tutor:in, you will also have to re-register for the next SET and have the same chances as everyone else.

What about the grade?

The credits are ungraded, so they count neutrally towards your bachelor’s or master’s degree grade.

I am at the end of my studies and absolutely need the ECTS. Can I get preferential treatment?

No. We receive requests like this several times each semester. However, we want to give everyone who wants to become a SET tutor:in the same opportunities. If we would give preference to everyone with this request, we would not be able to do so after a short time.


If your question is not answered by the hints or FAQs or if you have any suggestions about the SET for us, just write us an email to .